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The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), founded in 1944 and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, is the largest organization in the world committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA's current membership of more than 53,000 includes science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in science education. NSTA's web address is   

This academic website from the NSF-funded National Institute for Science Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is committed to illuminating the science behind the headlines. They address everything from comets to mad cows using clear language, an on-line glossary, accurate information, and attractive presentation. New additions to the site are added at 2 week intervals.   

A space in cyberspace for biology teaching and learning. This national education program sponsored by Genentech provides a network of high school biology teachers with access to scientists, scientific information and science teaching programs of merit. http://www.gene.com   

You can learn what the Hubble telescope tells us about the birth of stars or more down to earth, why feet smell. Not for the faint-of-heart, but if you agree with Peter Pan's "I won't grow up", this may be the site for you.   

Talk about questions, just send them here. This "collective crania of scientists" versed in disciplines from zoology to astrophysics, will ponder your query and post amazingly thoughtful answers. And if you don't have a question, it's a wonderful learning experience to just cruise through and see what others want to know. Nice idea and well done.   

Are you interested in knowing how is a human cell looking like, how it works, how the virus infects and grows , anatomy of a splinter, how pencil bursts bacteria.,what happens when a cell commits suicide,how Big? the size of viruses, bacteria, human cells, Streptococcus -this strain kills white blood cells   

Those are our five community areas (History, Nature, Science, Exploration, Technology). Click on them and you'll find stories, graphics, games and conversation exclusively produced for our website. There's something new every day, so you'll want to come back often.   

If you are a kid under 10, watch this amazing "Children's Museum."    

LandMark Schools is for students with language based learning disabilities or Dyslexia   

To provide basic teaching tips to inexperienced teachers; ideas that can be immediately implemented into the classroom.    
To provide new ideas in teaching methodologies for all teachers.    
To provide a forum for experienced teachers to share their expertise and tips with colleagues around the world. LESSON PLANS.    

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to be an astronomer? Do you have any questions that you would like an astronomer to answer? Would you like to hear the latest about hyperspace, black holes, time travel and quantum cosmology? Well, at the Astronomy Cafe you've come to the right place! Sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and have a far-out adventure at the outer frontier of space and time.    

The Banyan Tree Learning Center gives assistance to students experiencing school difficulties. We provide instruction in the basics of reading, written language, mathematics, and study/organizational skills using innovative, multi-sensory techniques and strategies. These methods have proven successful in helping students learn more effectively. Our students learn how to build on their strengths, talents and abilities, and overcome their weaknesses. Our goal is to help parents and teachers understand individual differences and to give students the skills they need for lifelong learning. The Banyan Tree Learning Center can assist students in achieving their goals for educational and personal success.    

From internet cruising techniques to the newest live curriculum -- fun and educational material for the parent or teacher! Web Page Creator for kids.    

Do you have a question about volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, rocks, maps, ground water, lakes, or rivers?    

White House for Kids, Members,History and moreover you can send mail to the President, the Vice President, or the First Lady by using your computer. If you include your mailing address, then you will receive a letter in response. For kids only http://www.whitehouse.gov   

Eisenhower National Clearing House is just one service we offer teachers-read about our free publications, CD-ROM & professional development activities. Do check this out!   
This is most amazing site of information related to wild life, history, technology, travel, nature, exploration and science. Being the best channel on Television it is about to become the best site on the Internet. 

A good set of elementary lessons on astronomy, biology, chemistry, earth science, physical science and technology. A huge database of lesson plans for various subjects. Do check this out.   

The material presented in this site reviews the most important results, techniques and formulas in college & pre college mathematics. The learning units are presented in worksheets format & require substitute for your classroom units or for reading your textbook.   

A wonderful site of chemistry. Study has been presented on the chemicals and its chemical data, physical data, electronic data, biological data, geological data...A good site if you are looking out for information on chemistry.   

A great site for problem solving across its curriculum. It is said to be the 21st Century problem solving site.   

These pages include resources for math educators who are interested in finding lessons and programs for the TI-81,82, and 85 graphing calculators.Also there is a Calculator-Based Laboratory System page which shows one of the latest pieces of equipment available to teachers who are interested in showing students "real-world" applications of mathematics.    

At the University of Nottingham, England announces its WWW pages. As well as general information, there are details of Publications.   

About everything you could want about mathematics (primary audience would be the professional mathematician, but there is something here for K-12 teachers who want to stretch their students.    

A good listing of resources   

The Texas 500 provides contact information and ranking for the top 500 Texas companies both public and private in the state.http://www.gopher.texas-one.org   

Few Sites which are full of mathematical resources. Do check this out.    

  • http://www.cs.washington.eud
  • http://www.maa.org

  • This is an excellent resource for students and teachers. This page provides access to files of over 500 biographies of mathematicians.   

    Rice University's Galileo Project is a source of information on the life and work of Galileo Galileo (1564-1642).   

    Founded in 1974, this society promotes research and teaching in the history and philosophy of mathematics.   

    Good activities and resources for Algebra/Math/Geometry education.   

    Interactive Multidimensional Geometric Manipulatives from the University of Minnesota. Neat stuff.   

    Instructional project in molecular modeling and 3-D visualization for K-12 students and teachers.   

    This page examines the mathematics behind building fractal images, and gives some sample images. There are also some interesting links to other sites related to fractals.   

    These pages contain new information regarding the Advanced Placement Statistics course and exam.   

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