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A       D I V I S I O N      O F      E K L A V Y A      E D U C A T I O N      F O U N D A T I O N 

  Code : TLM-M-002
Age : 9 - 11 yrs.
  Name: Magic blocks-1

The Meaning of Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner, a Professor in Harvard University came up with a brilliant breakthrough a few years ago when ha said that there is not one type of intelligence (which is measured by IQ tests) but there is the concept of “Multiple Intelligences”. He identified 7 such (now it seems there are 9) and elaborated the as follows: 

  1. Visual / Spatial
  2. Verbal / Linguistic
  3. Musical / Rhythmic
  4. Logical / Mathematical
  5. Bodily / Kinesthetic
  6. Interpersonal
  7. Intrapersonal

Traditionally we thought “intelligence” was basically a “linguistic” and “logical-mathematical” intelligence. However we also knew that students who did well academically in school and college did not necessarily do well in life, and vice versa (student who were academically average did very well in life).

Our Job as parents and teachers is to identify and nurture all talents of our student/child. Too often parents and schools focus only on the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, thereby only scratching the surface of child’s talents and leaving the remaining undeveloped.

Practical Application

A very superficial way of looking at these multiple intelligence concepts (though a valid method) is to say for example that if a person is good in “spatial intelligence” then he can become an architect, or building/structure designer, a city planner, etc. However this is a very limited way of looking at it. Visual/spatial  intelligence includes being able to visualise an object and to create mental images. Good leaders and good speakers are high on this and have also the ability to communicate their vision to the listener. It deals with visual arts navigation architecture etc.

How this game helps

The enclosed game “Magic Cubes 1” is designed to challenge and thereby develop the three dimensional visualizing and analyzing ability of the student. It will keep you, whether adult or child, engrossed for hours. First observation of your child playing this game will help you get a “feel” of his visual/spatial abilities . And if you find it an encouraging feeling, then you would like to nurture this ability and help it develop by challenging it to grow. “Magic Cubes” is a wonderful way to do this.

Playing the game

The game consists of differently shaped blocks formed through arrangements of a basic cube. (Some different blocks are shown below).

The collection of blocks is such that the total number of small cubes is 60. The challenge is to arrange the cube in a rectangular fashion using all the blocks.

Game 1: Arrange the cubes in a 12 x 5 rectangular arrangement. Use the game box or the Base Sheet 1 to arrange the cubes on.

Game 2: Arrange the cubes in a 20 x 3 rectangular arrangement. Use the Base Sheet to arrange the cubes on.

Game 3: Arrange the cubes in a 15 x 4 rectangular arrangement. Use the Base Sheet 3 to arrange the game cube on.

Game 4: Arrange the cubes in a 10 x 6 rectangular arrangement. Use the Base Sheet 4 to arrange the game cube on.

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