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Class: 2,3,4 or 5

Subject:  Maths  Week No.:
Topic: Area and Perimeter Period No.:

Objective / Contents:

Introduction of Area and Perimeter.

To make them understand the concept of area and perimeter.


Teacher will place a blank transparency on the OHP and focus the image on the screen. She will then take a geometrical figure like a compass box and place it on the transparency. She will then trace the outline of the object with the help of a marker. She will then place 1cm x1cm grid (diagram attached) on the drawn figure and count the number of squares which are full, half or exactly half along with the children . The number of squares that they have counted is the estimated space occupied by the object which is the estimated area of that particular object. She will then tell them to count the square boxes that lie on the sides and find out the total number of boxes, this will be the total length of all the sides which is called the Perimeter of the figure. She will then give some figures with the measurements on the board and ask the children to draw the figure and find out the Area and Perimeter accordingly.

Aids Used:

OHP, 2 transparencies (1blank,1 grid),marker.

Figure:  The estimated area of this figure 20 squares of 1 cm each. The perimeter of this figure is 15 cms.




Home Work:


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