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Speech of Swamini Vimalananda
Director, Chinmaya Vision Programme

are such words Gurur Devo Maheswara, Tvameva mata cha pita tvameva, that is what we say.

Now, it is strange that even though this is the position that you and I in this culture have given to a Guru, rarely does a teacher (except for the ones who are sitting over here) feel like that, feel proud of being a teacher. That is a fact. A doctor says I am a doctor, and an engineer says I am an engineer and normally a teacher says I am a teacher! Why? If you and I don’t have dignity in our own profession how do we expect others to respect us? Not possible. The reason why this happens is that most of them are teachers by compulsion and not by choice. Here we have teachers who are teachers by choice and not by compulsion. A teacher by choice waits for Monday and the teacher by compulsion waits for Sunday!

Now a teacher becomes great because of the great ideas that he has. When he hooks on to something higher, something great teacher by his nishtha. Let me explain this to you, when I was a doing the Brahmachari course in Bombay, the Vedanta course, we undergo about 3 years of course in the Ashram, we had a public speaking teacher who was teaching the youngsters who are there in  out institution – the Chinmay Yuv Kendra, and  because we are going to become future speakers Gurudev said “you also sit down and learn a few things.” And this public speaking teacher, he came, and he explained to everyone how you should talk in public. Many of the speakers don’t know-they hold on to the mike as though their life depends on that, and all those things he told-you must be calm, you must smile, you must do that, you must not do that, etc, etc, and he had 40 tips on how to be a good speaker. Everyone was busy noting down these 40 tips and at the end of it I realised that all these 40, plus a lot more were there in my Guru. So I went up him and I asked, “Gurudev”, I said, “Gurudev did you do a course on public speaking? Because you have all these 40 tips? He said, “If you have matter you don’t have matter then you need it.” Similarly a teacher if he has stuff, if he has matte, if he has nishtha, then what he is talking he conveys it, he touches the heart of the people. He can invoke the best out of everyone.

I remember I went to this award winning ceremony, not for teachers, but for that Bombay Municipal Corporation person, Khairnar – he was the one who were people, the plainclothes men with an open rifle right next to him because he could be shot at any time and he came up on the dais and made a statement which really touched my heart. He said, “I feel funny, I have done nothing, nothing out of my duty, call of duty, meaning what was expected as a person of that position in that particular place, I have just done just that and for following your duty you get awards”! is it not strange? Jo expected hai wohi kiya, kuch aur nahi kiya maine, aur itna karnemain award milta hai, iska arta kya hai?”  Majority don’t even do what they should be doing ! is it not true?

A teacher is supposed to teach and that itself is now becoming a rare thing. An American, when he came and travelled the length and breadth of his country was asked, “What do you say about the education system of India?” and this is what he said: “ The Education system of India is a strange method by which the knowledge from the textbook of the teacher is transferred to the?

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