ADMISSION PROCEDURE In line with its philosophy that each child is unique and has her own inborn gifts and talents, Eklavya believe that it is neither fair nor possible to "test" very young children. Accordingly, admissions to the Pre-School and Junior School are done on first-come, first-served basis. In the Middle School, students have to undergo a test for eligibility. The Admission Procedure of Eklavya School, Ahmedabad is a documented transparent procedure, which is audited to ensure that it is implemented in letter and spirit. EKLAVYA SCHOOL DOES NOT ACCEPT ANY FORM OF DONATION OR CAPITATION FEES RELATED TO ADMISSION, NOR DOES IT OFFER ADMISSION BASED ON INFLUENCE EXERTED. THERE IS NO MANAGEMENT QUOTA FOR SEATS. Attempts to use unfair means to secure admission or bypass the admission procedure will lead to disqualification of the application. Eklavya Education Foundation "Core House" Nr. Parimal Garden Ambawadi, Ahmedabad.- 380 006. Email: eklavya@eklavya.org |